Spring crops
AZOTER soil bacteria fertilizer is used for spring crops – such as maize, sugar beet, sunflower, spring cereals, pulses, potatoes, vegetables, grape and flower – before sowing and planting or latest during sowing, when the temperature of the soil reaches 5 °C. Disperse 10 l/hectare AZOTER evenly on the soil and turn into the depth of sowing or planting. AZOTER bacteria fertilizer ensures such an amount of nutrients to spring crops that extra dosing of other fertilizers is only required in high-intensity cultivation.
Our advice is to use AZOTER in the early or late hours of the day to protect its microorganisms from strong sunshine. We recommend it on soils over 1% humus content and between 5.8 - 8.5 pH value. It can be mixed and handled with preparations without bactericide or fungicidal effect.
Per hectare disperse 10 liters of AZOTER bacteria fertilizer – mixed in chlorine-free water with field dispersing machine or with 1:1 dilution with AZOTERJET dispersing device that is assembled on the machine, which is available at Farmcenter Kft.
Winter crops
In case of winter crops, rape, vegetable and flowers AZOTER bacteria fertilizer has to be dispersed onto the stubble – harrowed in, closing the soil – after harvest of the previous plant as soon as possible. This facilitates the decomposition of plant residues, the rapid multification of bacteria and provides a seedbed rich in nutrients to the winter crops. If you do not use the AZOTER on stubble then disperse it onto the soil latest in autumn before or during sowing and turn right into the depth of sowing.
After stubble-stripping if seedbed is handled with AZOTER, then the winter crops dispose of proper amount of 30-50 kg fixed nitrogen, mobilized and water soluble phosphorus and potassium released from the decomposition of plant residues. After the winter period when temperature is above 5 °C, nitrogen fixing bacteria begin to multiply again, so top-dressing fertilizing can be reduced by 25%. From spring to harvest the bacteria fertilizer supplies 50-60 kg additional nitrogen to the plants. The release of phosphorus and potassium is unbroken all year long because of the efficiency of stem-decomposing and phosphorus releasing bacteria is not influenced by the temperature of the soil.
Our advice is to use AZOTER in the early or late hours of the day to avoid its microorganisms from strong sunshine. We recommend it on soils over 1% humus content and between 5.8 - 8.5 pH value. It can be mixed and handled with preparations without bactericide or fungicidal effect.
Per hectare disperse 10 liters of AZOTER bacteria fertilizer - mixed in chlorine-free water - with field dispersing machine or with 1:1 dilution with AZOTERJET dispersing device that is assembled on the machine, which is available at Farmcenter Kft.
In case of plantation of fruit trees and grape mix 20 ml AZOTER in 10 l water. Immerse the roots of trees and shrubs into it and poor the AZOTER mixture into the planting pit of fruit trees and grape.
In case of yielding orchard AZOTER bacteria fertilizer can be applied at a dosage of 10 l/hectare in several ways.
- In those orchards where the ground is ploughed, AZOTER should be dispersed evenly on the soil in the early or late hours of the day. For a better result, turn stem-residues, green and farmyard manure into the soil, in order to let cellulose decomposing bacteria utilize additional NPK from plant residues.
- In those orchards where the ground is mowed, AZOTER has to be dispersed close to stool and turned into the soil with rotary cultivator. Stem-residues, green and farmyard manure should be collected and cultivated back to soil, in this case close to the stool.
- Where drip irrigation system is available AZOTER can be easily applied. Before usage filter AZOTER bacteria fertilizer and let it to the root zone via the system. This way the agent washes in to the roots quickly.
The microorganisms in AZOTER bacteria fertilizer can reach 1,5 m depth while continuously multiplying. This facilitates nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium utilization even in deeper root zones.
We recommend AZOTER bacteria fertilizer for the cultivation of tuberous plants, cucurbitaceaes, onions, leafy vegetables, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and perennial vegetables, while for legume plants we provide AZORHIZ bacteria fertilizer that is enhanced with plant specific Rhizobium bacteria.
For field vegetable production 10 liters of AZOTER bacteria fertilizer has to be dispersed on the soil and turned into the depth of sowing or planting. The technique is identical with spring crops.
In case of greenhouse vegetable production AZOTER bacteria fertilizer can be dispersed via drip irrigation system, where the dosage is 20 ml filtered AZOTER per 10 l water. This case the agent washes into the roots quickly.