AZOTER soil bacteria fertilizer product family
By applying 10 liters of AZOTER bacteria fertilizer per hectare, it ensures 180 kg nitrogen to the root-system of the plant, mobilizes 80 kg phosphorus and 30 kg potassium from the non-accessible phosphorus and potassium compounds. Additional nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be utilized by the decomposition of stem residues, green and farmyard manure.
- 180 kg/hectare nitrogen
- 80 kg/hectare phosphate
- 30 kg/hectare potassium
- Decomposition of plant residues
- Biological control against Fusarium and Sclerotinia
AZOTER leaf bacteria fertilizer
AZOTER-L leaf bacteria fertilizer ensures 30-40 kg nitrogen to the plant through Herbaspirillum endofita nitrogen fixing bacteria.